Easter in Cyprus

Greek Easter in Cyprus (Páscha)

Καλό Πάσχα!
Happy Easter

Sunday 24 April 2022

Easter in Cyprus (Páscha - pronounced PA-ska in Greek), is the biggest celebration of the year and one of the best times to visit Cyprus.

In Greece and Cyprus, they go by the Julian calendar, and that’s why the Orthodox Easter is often later than in other Christian religions as it is this year.

Fasting before Easter in Cyprus is called ‘Apokria‘ - it begins on Green Monday (Kathara Deftera - Clean Monday) and lasts for 40 days. It’s also a public holiday - people traditionally go on picnics, fly kites and spend time with their families.

During Lent (Saracosti) the forty-day period until Palm Sunday, no meat or dairy foods are to be eaten. Only olives, taramasalata, halva, vegetables, legumes and seafood. You can eat fish only on 25 March (Annunciation of the Virgin Mary) and Palm Sunday. Fasting continues for another week until Easter Sunday, making it 49 days.

Celebrating Easter in Cyprus

flaoune Holy Thursday - This is the day when flaounes and colored eggs are to be cooked. They dye eggs red, blue yellow and green and used to decorate Easter bread and pastries. The red eggs represent victory in life over death and the blood of Christ.

You can find flaounes and tsoureki in the local bakers and supermarkets or make them at home with the following recipes.


Flaounes Recipe

Tsoureki Recipe

Holy Friday (Megali Paraskevi)

The Perifora Epitafios is a candlelit procession, with the funeral bier (coffin) covered with the Epitafio, a richly embroidered cloth. The streets are full of people joining in the procession to the church.

Easter Saturday in Cyprus

We hold the Resurrection mass at midnight. It’s a time for celebrating the Anastasis (resurrection) of Christ. People light candles and in a candlelit procession, walk through the streets saying, “Christos Anesti ” - Christ has risen, the reply is “Alithos Anesti ” - truly, he is risen.

After the celebrations and fireworks, everyone goes home to enjoy a special meal.

Breaking the Fast

red eggs for easter

The fast is traditionally broken when eating magiritsa, an Easter soup, often eaten with red hard-boiled eggs, flaounes and Greek tsoureki.

On Sunday afternoon, families and friends cook roast lamb in ovens or over barbecues. Chocolate Easter eggs are also enjoyed.

galombramacakerecipe Galombrama is great with coffee or tea, any time of the day.

The name of this cake translates to ‘Good Thing’ and as the name suggests, it is very good and easy to make ~ Galombrama Recipe

Happy Easter (ΚΑΛΟ ΠΑΣΧΑ)

Where To Stay for Easter in Cyprus?

bookingBooking.com have many lovely hotels, apartments and villas for your Easter in Cyprus.


Apartments in Cyprus

londa hotel limassol

Hotels in Cyprus

Cyprus Culture

Cyprus Food

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